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Apple Scotch
Apple Juice
Lemon Juice
Apple Scotch
4/10 whisky
1/10 lemon juice
1 tbspsuperfine sugar
4/10 apple juice
1 Marraschino syrup
1 slice apple
Special instructions:
A variant of the classic John Collins. It was created because one day I was at home. After I shaken the first ingredients I notice that in my fridge there wasn't any club soda. So I found a little of delicious apple juice and well...there you are!In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the whisky, lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add the apple juice. Stir well, then put the punch of marraschino syrup and finally garnish with the slice apple. Enjoy it!, a bartender, Julian Ferreyra, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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