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Area 151
Hpnotiq liqueur
Peach Schnapps
Southern Comfort peach liqueur
Red Bull energy drink
Area 151
4 oz Red Bull energy drink
1 oz Southern Comfort peach liqueur
1 oz peach schnapps
1 oz Hpnotiq liqueur
Special instructions:
I tried this in a dive bar called 'Cans' in Buena Vista, California. The bartender Stephanie told me she got if from another bar. I can't claim this as original, but it's damn good and I am just spreading the word. Vodka and Redbull is good, but this kicks it up a little and makes a good drink great.Pour the Red Bull in the glass, so that it comes to about 1/3 of the way up. Add to it the 1 shot of Southern Comfort and then the 1 shot of Peach Schnapps in the same glass. In a separate shot glass, pour 1 shot of Hypnotic and drop it into the glass with the Red Bull, SoCo and Schnapps- Irish Car Bomb style. You can sip this drink, but best taken all at once because the combination of flavors is very plesant. You'll be seeing UFO's before you know it. The peach completely covers the Soco, but be careful, there is a lot of alcohol going on in this drink. Suggestion: start with this first and move on to lighter fair afterwards.
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