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Blue Heaven Bliss
Coconut Rum
Hawaiian Punch Blue Berry Typhoon
Pineapple Juice
Red Bull energy drink
Blue Heaven Bliss
2 oz cognac
2 oz vodka
1 oz coconut rum
2 oz Red Bull energy drink
1 splash pineapple juice
6 oz Hawaiian Punch Blue Berry Typhoon
Special instructions:
Pour cognac, vodka, and coconut rum into cocktail shaker with ice adding the splash of pineapple into the shaker as well. With two cups,at least the same size shift both the Hawaiian Punch and Red Bull into the cups about three times. Pour the cognac, vodka, coconut rum and pineapple juice into the Hawaiian Punch and Red Bull mixture as you strain the prior mixture. Serve on ice with a pineapple slice and cherry to garnish.
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