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Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey
Peach Schnapps
1/2 Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey
1/2 peach schnapps
Special instructions:
It was invented by Andrew Dudley in the late 90's in the Brasserie at the Chester Grosvenor Hotel in Chester, England. The inspiration behind the drink was to take the subtle sweetness of the Peach Schnapps and blend it with the darkness and kick of the Jack Daniels It can be ordered by name, in many fine establishments around the world, in particular those in San Francisco, West Palm Beach, Seychelles and other cities where the inventor and his friends have enjoyed it... Pour a 50/50 mix of Jack Daniels and Peach Archers Schnapps into a high ball glass and stirr well with ice... Despite what appears to be a strange combination, the Dudley is extremely smooth and sweet, yet is extremely strong. Enjoy!
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