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Flaming Nate
151-Proof Rum
Banana liqueur
Blackberry Brandy
Peach Schnapps
Flaming Nate
1 oz peach schnapps
1 oz banana liqueur
1 oz blackberry brandy
1 splash 151 proof rum
Special instructions:
Nate invented this while on the road as a technician. It's served in a parfait glass and can sometimes spill down the side of your chin. It is customary to wipe your lips with your sleeve after. You'll be on the dance floor feeling the base after just one. Hot and fruity in the Pacific Northwest and throughout many speciality clubs.Pour the peach schnapps, blackberry brandy and banana liquer in parfait glass. Slowly put a little bit of 151 rum on the top. Light. Quickly blow out and guzzle down. This is absolutely fabulous and gets the boys frisky.
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