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Sugar Syrup
1/2 pomegranate
30 mlWyborowa Exquisit vodka
5 ml sugar syrup
1 slice orange
Special instructions:
Inventor: Marcus Radny, Perth Western Australia Description: Should be a very beautiful light pink colour, devoid of all seeds and broken bits of ice. The idea is for a simple, smooth drink which highlights the pomegranate colours and quite tart flavours. The Sugar Syrup was added to enhance the flavours of my fresh pomegranate (from my garden).Start by chucking a Martini Glass in your freezer to really chill it down. So start by using a Boston Shaker, muddle the sugar syrup and pomegranate in the glass half of the shaker. Add the Vodka Fill the metal part of the shaker with COLD ICE (dont leave it on the bench to half melt and ruin the drink) Shake hard and fast so the pomegranate realeases more juice, for about 30 seconds. Pull your nicely frosted glass out of the freezer and double strain starting with a hawthorn strainer then through a fine sieve. Take your orange rind and squeeze it acoss the top of the drink, give it a little twist and drop it into the drink
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