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Jamaican Iced Tea
Myer's Dark Rum
Triple Sec
Pineapple Juice
sweet and sour mix
Jamaican Iced Tea
3/4 oz vodka
3/4 oz gin
3/4 oz Myer's dark rum
3/4 oz triple sec
2 oz pineapple juice
2 oz sweet and sour mix
Special instructions:
Basically a Long Beach Iced Tea with Myers in place of light rum, and pineapple in place of cranberry juice. Best if prepared in a mixing cup with ice, shaken, and poured (ice and all) into a hurricane glass. To serve in a Collins glass (which is usually somewhat smaller), cut the bottle pours back to 1/2 oz each, and mixers back to 1 oz each. To make a flag garnish, spear whatever fruit you are using (in this case a split chunk of pineapple) all the way through with a toothpick. Stick a maraschino cherry on the exposed top end of the toothpick, then hang the whole thing on the side of the glass.
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