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Midnight Caip
granulated sugar
Sagatiba Pura
Midnight Caip
2 oz gold Sagatiba Pura
1 lime
1 tsp granulated sugar
1 tsp honey
1 - 1 1/2 oz espresso
Special instructions:
Original drink made by a Greg Bale,a bartender in Brighton, UK. Basically a caipirinha w/ honey and espresso.1. Start with 8 lime cubes. 2. Add two barspoons of sugar. 3. Muddle limes and sugar. 4. Add two barspoons of Honey. 5. Add 1 shot of espresso. 6. Mix well - allowing for espresso to cool . 7. Add CRUSHED ice to top of glass. 8. Add 2 oz of Cachaca over the ice. 9. Mix well (shake if preferred). 10. DRINK.
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