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Pink Valdimar
Pineapple-coconut juice
Pink Valdimar
pineapple-coconut juice
Special instructions:
At a party with a visiting professor from Iceland who had a penchant for whimsical tales of pineapples, a couple of us standing around in the kitchen came up with this drink from what was around. The pineapple thing was a running joke that we had, started by his dry humorous statement that pineapples were his favorite and that they are Iceland's number one export. The student he told that to believed him. Since then we have continuously brought him pineapple flavored things at all of our gatherings. We called it a Pink Valdimar (named after the prof.). Being a fair skinned Scandinavian, he did turn a shade of pink upon learning that we named a drink after him. He then shared the pickles with honey thing that he learned in Russia. Apparently the pickles and honey chase the shot of vodka, but in our experience, the vodka chased the pickles and honey.Place about a cup of ice in a blender. Add the Knudsen juice to cover the ice. Add some strawberries, and blend. While blending add vodka to equal desired state of inebriation. Goes well with pickles and honey.
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