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Spiced Rum
Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt
1.5 oz spiced rum
3 oz Fruit-Flavored vodka
1.5 gin
1.5 oz Everclear alcohol
4-6 oz Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt
Special instructions:
I had been thinking about making a drink using Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt as a base, and after some brainstorming with some friends, I decided on the final mix above. There are two reasons so many liquors are used. First, a drink using something made by Steven Seagal must be as over-the-top as Seagal's action movies and must provide a sense of 'armageddon' that Seagal himself provides when he's beating up 15 bad guys at one time. Secondly, although I did have to cherry pick a little bit, every component of the drink corresponds to a letter in Seagal's last name. S piced Rum E verclear (151 if not available) A bosolut Fruit Flavored Vodka G in A bsolut Fruit Flavored Vodka (hence twice as much as other liquors) L ightning BoltPretty simple drink. You'll want a moderately sized glass, so get about an 8-12 inch glass, a Collins, Old-Fashioned, or any regular sized cup should do. Just pour all ingredients into the glass. This is going to be pretty strong, so if you want a weaker drink, just put in more of Seagal's Lightning Bolt energy drink, and less alcohol. I highly recommend using fruit flavored vodka to help mask the taste of Seagal's energy drinks which taste terrible.
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