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Sexy Alligator
Midori melon liqueur
Pineapple Juice
Sexy Alligator
1 oz Midori melon liqueur
1 oz pineapple juice
1 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1/2 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
Special instructions:
Popular at (dance) clubs, including in Denver, Colorado. Sexy Alligator has an amazing taste with a kick that'll get you in a dancing mood quick! I wouldn't suggest ordering more than two, they're strong... and expensive.Pour Midori melon liqueur and pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker. Shake and strain into a chilled martini/cocktail glass. Add amaretto by pouring close to the inner edge of the glass; allow to sink to the bottom. Float jagermeister on top; if needed hold spoon to edge of glass while pouring into the spoon. Serve; might not look nice but tastes a treat.
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