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Terry's Chocolate Orange
Bailey's Irish Cream
Grand Marnier
chocolate powder
double cream
Terry's Chocolate Orange
1 shot Kahlua coffee liqueur
1.5 shots Bailey's Irish cream
1 shot Grand Marnier orange liqueur
1 shot double cream
chocolate powder
Special instructions:
Inventor is me Martin Wells. I made this a several months ago around xmas time. Everybody loves it especially women. You can also add a couple of coffee beans in the glass before pouring to add a lovely taste and also rim the glass with either dark or white chocolate. I have melted chocolate and rimmed the glasses in advance so you have a great set chocolate on the glass. I have several different versions of this with little changes that make a great difference to the taste. Enjoy it. Let me know what you think. MartinAdd Baileys and Kaluha. Then add ice. add cream to taste. Add Gran Marnier or triple sec. Shake well and strain into Martini glass. Use a small tea strainer to add chocolate dust to top.
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