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Grandmas Bloody Mary

1 - 2 oz vodka
2 - 3 oz tomato juice
1 - 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 - 3 pinches salt
2 - 3 pinches peppers
2 - 3 pinches celery salt
2 - 3 splashes Tabasco sauce
1 lemon

Special instructions:
Put ice in first, then a few pinches of salt, pepper, and celery salt. Pour about 1-2 tablespoons worchestire sauce over ice and dry ingredients, and add a few splashes of Tabasco sauce (to taste/preference). Add Vodka (1-2 shots), lemon juice (if desired), and pour tomato or vegetable juice over ingredients to preference. Mix well, do not shake or strain. Garnish with favorite accessory (celery, pickle, pickled green bean, etc), my personal favorite are pickled green beans. Adding the ingredients in the order listed is important. The salts melt the ice slightly, allowing better mixing and even cooling throughout the cocktail.

Rocks glass