Manhattan Skyscraper
1 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
3 - 8 oz dry ginger ale
1 fresh orange
1 cocktail cherry
Special instructions:
The legend behind this drink revolves around the young artist Simone Weingarnter and her time spent in the bars in Manhattan, NYC. Apparantly her favourite cocktail was, of course, the Manhattan but she found that it produced too much appetite when drunk during the day. She wanted a Manhattan, but something she could sit on for a while without the hunger and the quick heating of the classic Manhattan. This was her solution, a tall Manhattan with a ginger ale throw that by association became the Manhattan Skyscraper.Fill glass with 3/4 ice. Run orange peel around rim. Pour bourbon then red vermouth in the glass over the ice then stir. Twist peel into glass, then spike the twisted peel and cherry on a tooth pick and throw into glass. Pour ginger ale according to taste/glass size. Stir, then pull the garnish back up so it sits on top of the ice.