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1 Up, 1 Down
1 Up, 1 Down
Works best in a group of 10+ and if you're all sitting facing each other. Going in a circle, each player has to say either: "2 up", "2 down", or "1 up, 1 down". The person who started the game will tell them if they're right or wrong. If wrong, the player has to take a shot, and does nothing if they're right. Just keep going in circles until everyone figures out what the pattern is or is too drunk to continue (trust me, unless a player is very observant, they'll get drunk). What's the pattern? Usually it's a person's feet: if they're both on the floor, then it's "2 down", legs crossed, "1 up, 1 down", and if both feet are off the ground, "2 up". Use your hands if you can't see everyone's feet, and use the table/your lap for the 'ground'. (Both hands in lap="2 down", etc) Feel free to mess around w/ the players and change the position of your hand/feet a number of times or say the wrong thing. Just don't change the pattern.
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