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3 Man (a little easier)
3 Man (a little easier)
You need two dice and a drink for everyone. You can do this with shots, but you'll all be dead. Everyone takes turns rolling until someone rolls a three. That person is the designated 3 man until someone else rolls double threes -- then that person is three man. The original 3 man starts the game by rolling both dice. If he can roll 7 times and land on a rule each time, he gets to make a new rule (Like, every time a combination 6 is rolled, everyone drinks). When he lands on a "dead" number (one without a rule), he passes the dice to the person next to him. That's it! The rules are below: Roll a ... 3 on one single die - 3 man drinks 5 on one single die - thumbs down. Last person to put their thumb down drinks. 7 - person to the right of the roller drinks. 9 - rhyme. Roller says a word and everyone must rhyme it (going around the circle). First person who can't rhyme drinks. 10 - social. Everyone drinks. 11 - person to the left of the roller drinks. 12 - waterfall beginning with the roller. Doubles - roller gives the dice away to either one person or to two separate people. The person/people with the dice roll them. Whoever gets the higher number takes as many drinks as the total of the two dice. The person witht he lower number drinks the lower nubmer die. If only one person was rolling, they drink the total number. The dice then go back to the original roller. Just play until you can't roll anymore!
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