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Asshole(The Real Way)
Asshole(The Real Way)
The Real way to Play Asshole It doesn't matter how many player there are, as long as everyone gets card, the best number is 5. The Dealer deals the whole deck of cards out. The object of the game is to be the first one to get rid of all your cards, and you become President, and the second is Vice President, and so on. How to get rid of your cards. Start with the 3 of clubs, and go clockwise. If the 3 of clubs is played by it's self, then everyone has to follow, and use only one card higher than the 3, for example, player 1 plays the 3 of clubs, player 2 plays the 5 of hearts, and so on. When it gets to high for you to play a card, you say pass, and take a drink, and the person who played the last card, starts with whatever card they chose. If someone puts 2 cards down, say two 3s then you have to follow and put two 4s of two 5s something higher than the 3s. Once the game is over and everyone is "labbel" as something, Pres, Vice Pres, Asshole. Then you start another game, this time deal two extra cards to the Pres, and one extra to the Vice Pres. Once everyone has their cards, the Asshole gives his two highest card to the Pres. And the Pres gives his two lowest cards to the asshole. the Secretary would then give the Vice Pres only one high card. and the VIce Pres gives the Secretary one low card. The cards in rank from highest to lowest are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A, 2, and Jokers are wild..2's can beat anything, for example if someone plays 2 kings and no one else can go, then someone can put down one 2 and beat it, and then everyone else would have to drink. When the next game begins the Asshole has something called "Asshole Power" meaning that say someone plays a 3 of hearts then the asshole can play a 3 of spades. and thats the real way you play asshole... Thanks Amanda
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