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Beer Poker
Beer Poker
Supplies: Standard deck of cards, shot glass, lots o' beer This game can be played by two or more people. Start by dealing the cards face up, in eight stacks (each stack determined by face value). If two or more of a certain card is dealt, place it on it's corresponding stack, never having four of one card. When you are done, you may have four single stacks, two double stacks, and two triple stacks, but it will obviously vary. The eight stacks can also be "stacked", so that there are equal numbers of single, double, or triple stacks. Deal the remaining cards equally to the players (Two decks of cards should be used for five or more players). Game Rules: Fill the shot glass with beer, and place it in the center of the table. Begin the game by having player one (clockwise from dealer) turn over a card. If that card matches one of the eight stacks in the middle, player drinks how ever many shots of beer correspond with that stack. Player one keeps flipping until a card of his does not match a card in the middle, and it goes on to player two. Additional Rules: When a player is done with his turn, he must return the shot glass to the middle of the table FULL OF BEER. If player does not, he must drink another shot (and maybe another if he forgets again). "Rules" are awarded to a player if, in one round of flips, he gets two doubles (card mathching a stack of two) or higher (triple and a double). These do not have to be in succession. A player may flip double, single, triple, and be awarded a rule (left hand drinking, no swearing, etc...). Bear in mind, that rules are only given if the above happens in ONE TURN (no carryovers, way too hard anyway). If a rule is broken, the penalty is one shot for the offender. All rules apply until the last player is out of cards, so even if you have no cards, you must obey. Notes: Pouring beer into a shot glass is very messy. Have a Zamboni nearby (rag), to clean up the mess. A shot of beer doesn't seem like much, until you do 28 in one game (our record). This game does produce results.
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