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Beer Derby
Beer Derby
Ok, this game is alittle more involved than most games. It playes best with alot of space. The First thing you need is alot of beer, 30 beers for each participant and 4 participants in the game. Secondly you'll need 4 identical rolling style office chairs. Lastly and most importantly you need a wrestling ring, yes.....a wrestling ring. If ou do not have a wrestling ring, you can make one out of ropes and posts on a large piece of floor space. To play: Each players gets in a chair and goes to a corner of the ring. The Derby is played, participant shall sit in the office chair and by pulling themselves around the ring by the rope using only their arms. Feet may only be used to aid in steering the chair. Once a player has completed a lap and returned to thier corner, they shall drink one beer...then after drinking the beer they contiue on untill 30 laps and thirty beers have been drank....The normal out come is vomiting and udder stupidity....but its fun, try it..you can use like less beers or less laps and change it around...the basics is make drinking people pull themselves around in a chair..all while still drinking.
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