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Beer Die
Beer Die
This is a fantastic game. Simply throw a die over a string taped over a table into the other teams cups. If it sinks, they finish; if it bounces they have to catch it with one hand. Read on for details:
Place an eight foot folding table in a room (hallway preferrable).
Tape or tack the ends of a string above the mid-section of the table so that the string is 1 1/2 to 2 feet off the top of the table.
With four chairs at the corner of the tables, two teams face off against each other. At each of the table's corners, in front of each player, a plastic cup (12 oz keg cup will do) full of beer sits. Each player should place their cup of beer one index finger's length away from the side of the table, thus placing the cup about 3 inches deep on the corner of the table.
The team that rolls the 6 sided die the highest throws first. On the first team a player (whoever wants to throw first on team one) must throw a 6 sided die over the string. If the die lands in the other teams cup (throwing to the opponent seated diagonally across from you is best) then the team that was "sunk on" must finish their beer and fill back up. The team that threw the "sinker" gets one point. The next side of the table now throws, and so on.
When the die lands in a cup it results in a finished beer and a point. If the die hits the table and bounces, then the die must be caught after it clears the plane of the table- you can NOT catch the die over the table - and the catch can only happen with one hand.
If the die bounced on the table after clearing the string and dropped to the floor, then the throwing team gets a point. You play until one team reaches 5 points. Everytime the die hits the opponents cup, it results in a sip of beer on the catching team. When the die hits the cup, it takes a difficult bounce and is harder to catch.
If the die is thrown , hits a cup and bounces back between the throwing team's cups then the throwing team must finish their beer.
Optional rules include the following:
"5 Rule" - Once a die lands in a players cup he must finish his beer then spit out the die on the table. If it comes up as a five then that team must finish another beer (pound another beer). If a die is thrown and it lands and stops on the table as a number 5, the throwing team must finish a beer, otherwise the throwing team gains 1 point (the die was not caught).
"Socco Challenge" - The losing team drinks a shot of Southern Comfort after losing.
Teams should sign there names on a piece of paper taped to the wall or on a white board, as if playing pool. You can play best out of three if there aren't a lot of teams available. The winning team stays on the table.
This game is fast paced and very entertaining. You will see some fantastic one-handed grabs of a rapid fire die and some spetacular tosses into the cup. Drink up!
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