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Count how many Fingers
Count how many Fingers
Supplies: people, each with a cup; liquor of choice.
Object of the game: guess the correct number of fingers in the middle
1. With everyone in a circle, each person places a fist into the middle. The game is played clock-wise.
2. The starter begins by yelling out multiples of 5, which signify the number of fingers in the middle, "5!", "20!"
3. The group can either keep their fists closed or open, so there must be either 0 fingers or 5 fingers on each hand.
For example, there are 10 people playing, and 5 decide to open their fists. This means that there are 5 x 5 = 25 fingers in the middle. If whoever said the number makes the CORRECT GUESS, the person to the left takes a drink. If it's INCORRECT, that person drinks.
4. You can yell out minimum of 0 or a maximum of 5 x # of people playing.
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