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Lower or Higher, Smoke or Fire
Lower or Higher, Smoke or Fire
All you need is a deck of cards and plenty of alcohol! Choose someone to start it out. The dealer takes the deck, flips the first card (let's say it's the 4 of clubs) and asks the person to his/her left "smoke (club or spade), fire (diamond or heart), lower or higher". The person guessing then chooses one of those ( we'll say smoke). The dealer flips the card and if that card is a club or spade, the dealer then If the player chooses the card correctly, he/she then must guess the next one. Once he/she had guessed correctly three times in a row, then the play continues to the next person. (had it been a diamond or heart, the person guessing has to drink). This continues until someone gets it wrong. When this happens, the person that chooses wrong has to take a drink for every card that was laid down. That pile is laid aside and the dealer then flips a card and goes to the next person. Once the deck is played out, the dealer passes the deck to the next person and the play continues.
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