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Me Too!!!
Me Too!!!
Supplies : 80 proof liquor (3-5 bottles) this is great for small get togethers. It works better with something really sweat like coconut rum. For the game to work, you have to be honest! You begin by saying something like "My favorite color is blue." And anyone else who's favorite color is blue has to say me too!. Whoever says me too takes a shot. Optional : anyone who additionally says "me too" adds another shot, so if 2 people say me too, the questioner + the two me too-ers take two shots each! But if you're playing this with five people and everyone says me too, the optional "add a shot" will end the game quickly....very quickly.
Some Sample Questions:
I think Cindy Crawford looks good!
I like taking a shower every morning!
I like playing this game!
I like the local sports team!...Yankees
I love my mom!
I'm drunk!
I'm dizzy!
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