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Ride the Bus
Ride the Bus
Start with a deck of cards and allot of alcohol, the voice of experience says stick with beer. Place the cards face down in a pyramid still, starting with 4 in a row, then 3, and so on. Deal the rest out. Flip 1 card over at a time, if there are any cards that match in the individuals hands place them on top of the flipped card and issue a drink to anyone playing, and if there are pairs or trips send the call out to more people or double them up on the same one. The first row (of 4 cards) is worth 1 drink the second (3 cards) worth 2, on up. Add more rows if needed. As a kicker, who ever has the most cards remaining after all of that has to "Ride the Bus". Put all the cards back together and pick 12 remaining face down. flip them over one by one and watch for face cards and bullets. Every time a face card shows, Ace for example, take 4 drinks and add 4 more cards to the pile. Kings are worth 3, Queens - 2, Jacks -1. If you're really in the mood to get loaded up, take a friend to "Ride" with you.
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