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Super Happy Fun Kings
Super Happy Fun Kings
Everyone needs a drink (at least), and a deck of cards. Everyone sits in a circle and the cards are also spread in a circle, face down, in the middle. One by one, everyone picks a card and what's on the card determines what you do: Ace - you drink 2 - pick 2 people to drink 3 - pick 3 people to drink 4 - everyone has to touch one of their thumbs to the floor, in the inside of the circle. Last person to do so, drinks 5 - everyone puts ther hand out, in the middle of the circle. last person to do so, drinks 6 - everyone puts one of their pointer fingers to their nose. last person to do so, drinks 7 - person to your left drinks 8 - person to your right drinks 9 - say a word; the person to your left must think of a word that ryhmes with it, and soon around the circle. whoever can't think of a word, drinks. 10 - social = everyone drinks Jack - pick a category, like "vegetables." going around he circle, everyone must say something in that category. first person that doesn't get one, drinks Queen - ask the person to your left a silly question. they can't laugh, but must ask the person to *their* left a silly question and so on. First person to laugh, answer, or othewise mess up, drinks King - make up a rule that applies throughout the whole game. whoever breaks your rule, at any time during the game, drinks. person that turns over the 4th king wins the game. Sounds complicated, but you'll get the hang of it after only playing it once. I think this version is MUCH more fun than any other "Kings" I've seen.
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