Drinks made with Lemon-lime soda
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1-50 of 85 drinks
Absinthe Paralysis
Alamo Splash
Alaskan Iced Tea
Amaretto Seduction
Blue Glory
Blue Latvian
Bourbon Cooler
Brandy Cooler
Bullfrog (The Party Mix)
Cactus Berry
Calypso Cooler
Caribbean Smuggler
Casco Bay Lemonade
Cherry Lime-aid
Chris Anders Shot
Citrus Cooler
Citrus Mist Colada
Clear Cell
Corkscrew #2
Disgruntled Elf
Down Home Punch #2
Frozen Fuzzy
Funky Filly
Glass Tower
Green Day
Green Gables
Green Goddess
Green Meanie
Hawiian Tidal Wave
Hennyville Slugger
Jerichos Breeze
Kiddie Cocktail
Kitchen Sink
Lake Breeze
Lakeside Lemonade
Lime Bomber
Lime Giant
Liquid Candycane
Little Eva
Mai Tai Mai
Mail Mans Daughter
Man in the Melon
Martini 4
Melon Man
Miami Ice
Mikeys Grape Drink
Mist Iced Tea
Mister Wu
Mock Pink Champagne 1
National Aquarium
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Drink of the day
Latin Knocker