Drinks made with White Creme De Menthe
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1-50 of 123 drinks
Absinthe Suissesse
Acapulco Zombie
A.D.M. (After Dinner Mint)
After Dinner Mint
After Eight
After Eighteen
Amaretto Stinger
American Beauty
American Beauty Queen
B & B Stinger
Baby's Bottom
Barefoot And Pregnant
Bee Stinger
Bill Clinton Zipper Dropper
Brandy Stinger
Breath Freshener
Broadway Martini
Button Hook Cocktail
Caruso Blanco
Castle Dip
Champagne Blitz
Charlies Angel 2
Chocolate Mint Rum
Chocolate Rum
Chocolate-Mint Martini
Coffee Grasshopper
Cognac Mint Frappe
Cold Deck Cocktail
Cold Duck Cocktail
Corpse Reviver
Corpse Reviver 3
Creme de Gin
Creme De Gin Cocktail
Creme De Moonthe
Davis Dream
Diana Cocktail
Dirty Girl Scout
Dirty Grasshopper
Dixie Dew
Dixie Stinger
Dixie Throw
Dixie Toss
Dixie Whiskey Cocktail
Dry Deck
Earthquake 2
Emerald Forest
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Drink of the day
Red Lion