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Furry Purple Squirrel
Blue Curacao
Coconut Rum
Coconut Rum
Light Rum
Club Soda
grenadine syrup
Lime Juice
Furry Purple Squirrel
1 oz light rum
1 oz coconut rum
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1 oz grenadine syrup
1 oz fresh lime juice
1 oz club soda
1 dash coconut rum
Special instructions:
Pour the rums, blue curacao, grenadine and lime juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add the club soda, and stir. Garnish with a slice of lime with an almond embedded in it. Pour the dash of coconut rum to finish, and serve.
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