Shot Glass - Drink Recipes
1451-1500 of 2,611 drinks
Jello Colada
Jelly Bean #3
Jellyfish #2
Jenna Pop!
Jennifer's Orgasm
Jenny Bomb
Jen's Red
Jeri's Hat Trick
Jerry's Mom
Jessica's Cocoa Bitch
Jesus Jackhammer
Jet Fuel
Jeweller's Hammer
Jim and Jill Went Up the Hill
Jim Cox
Jim Morrison
Jim the Destroyer
Jim the Ripper
Jimmy Conway
Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page #2
Jimmy Powers
Jimmy Tudeski
Jimmy Two Times
JJ Ritz
Joe Cocker
Joel's Pet Monkey
Joe's Apartment
Joey F's Grape Ape
Johnnie Meister
Johnny Vega
Jolly Drunken Rancher
Jolly Joker
Jolly Rancher #4
Jolly Rancher Jello Shots
Jone's Town
Jose Flame-O
Juicy Fruit #3
Juicy Volkheimer
Jump Shot
Jungle Flame
Jungle Juice #3
Junior Mint #2
Junior Mints
Junk In Da Trunk
Junk It All
Jupiter Milk
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