Drinks made with Maple Syrup
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1-35 of 35 drinks
Beaver Tail
Breakfast Rum
Brown Derby
Bunny Bonzana
Canadian Cocoa
Canadian Immigrant
Chocolate Maple Moo
Connecticut Bulldog
Crazy Moose
Dirty Steve
Evil Spell #2
Great Idea
Hot Lemonade
Ice Cream Hogarth
Jack's Log Cabin
Jean Gabin
Johnny Canuck
Kicking Cow
Maple K.I.S.S.
Maple's Antigel
Motherfucker Shot
Mule's Hind Leg
Northern Dancer
Porky Bone
P'tit Caribou
Rusty Lumberjack
Sackville Surprise
Saurian Brandy
Sticky Canadian
STP (the motor oil of course)
The Waffler
Van Vleet
Vermont Maple Blaster
Warsaw Waffle
Drink of the day
Prom Night Virgin